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Archive for the ‘Etc…’ Category

posted on May 10th, 2013 under Disney, Etc..., Random Musings

The celebration of the arrival of Friday isn’t the same when I am on vacation. Then it means that the vacation that my husband and I counted down the days since our last vacation is coming to an end. Only one day remains to enjoy the EPCOT Flower and Garden Festival, to eat at our favorite restaurants, to experience the magic of the Magic Kingdom, to go behind the scenes at Disney’s Hollywood Studios, to relax in our villa.

Usually, by the end of vacation, I am ready to go home, no matter how wonderful, fun, and relaxing it is. I look forward to being back in our house, in our own bed, ready to start counting the days until the next vacation. This time, however, I am returning to an uncertain future. If I stay with my company and move to Indiana, will this be the last time I return from vacation to the house I love so much? At the Flower and Garden Festival, I found many ideas for our yard. But where will that yard be? I didn’t buy Tinker Bell stepping stones because I didn’t know where they would be used. In fact, I weighed the fact that I might move into all my purchasing decisions. I saved some money, but that didn’t outweigh the sadness of each decision.

Does this sadness I’ve been feeling mean that deep inside I have made my decision, that I don’t want to move, even if it means losing $40,000 and not receiving any severance. It may mean that I’m just being overly sentimental. I can’t be sure. But I know that when I return home, that wonderful word, I will have to decide. But whatever the decision is, I know who will share that home with me.


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posted on May 4th, 2013 under Etc..., Random Musings

A couple of entries ago, I talked about how Facebook has become so overwhelmed by people sharing other people’s posts, rather than writing their own. Many of the shared content isn’t factual but people share it anyway. The hoax about the Amber alert for the car with Ontario plates has been making its rounds on the Internet before Facebook was even born. There is no newly discovered killer spider. No flight attendant moved a black/Muslim/other minority to first class because the row-sharing passenger objected at having to sit next to such a person. All of these were shared with compassion, trying to rescue a child, warning others of a potentially lethal encounter, sharing a parable about how the objects of bigotry deserve to be treated. They may be wrong but they are kind.

Some content shared would be comical if not so widely believed. Yesterday I read a post about how you are 670 times more likely to be killed by Obamacare than by an assault weapon. Huh? Reading the comments one explanation given was that doctors will be overworked if they treat more patients and will make more mistakes. I guess it’s better for the insured if those without insurance don’t receive medical care. Another post stated that a cold Spring was a blow to those “practicing the global warming religion.” I no more practice a climate change religion than I practice a gravity religion. But I guess the fact that at one time those who dared to believe that the earth revolved around the sun, the Copernicans as I’ll call them, were executed by those who claimed to be Christians, maybe the religious characterization of science isn’t that absurd after all. I try not to respond to these political posts as no good comes of it, no one’s opinion is changed, and flame wars go nowhere. Sometimes, however, I can’t help but respond, for example, to the post I read yesterday how the right to bear arms was a God-given right, not a right established by our early government. I did refrain from purchasing the DVD that allegedly proved the connection.

Lately I have read a lot of mean-spirited and hateful posts towards anyone who disagrees with their point of view. This goes beyond childish name calling. Liberals are now “libtards.” I asked if this was intended to be a combination of liberal and retard and was told that it was. When I found the use of retard offensive I was told that this is a free country and my being offended meant that I was retarded, too. What I guess was intended to be some kind of political joke, stated that if you were pulled over by the police all you had to do was prove you were a member of some minority, or the president, or a member of congress, or, that word again, a retard, and you wouldn’t get a ticket. Responses and likes flowed in quickly. All the other categories were not needed, one person stated, the term retard encompassed them all. One of my high school classmates chimed in with “Obama is retarded.” What is particularly disturbing to me is that some of these posts come from people who describe themselves on their Facebook pages as being Christian and Pro-Life, fervently against abortion due to their deeply held religious belief in the sanctity of life beginning at conception. This is true of the woman who called me retarded and the classmate from my high school. How does this belief in the sanctity of life extend to the sacred lives of those born with Down Syndrome or other developmental delays if they are made the object of ridicule such that comparing someone to them is a great insult.

I won’t correct all the hoaxes I see and I’ll try not to respond to political flotsam, but I will continue to object to the use of the word retard used in such a derogatory way. I will continue to speak for some of the most vulnerable members of society, whether or not they agree with my religion or political platform, indeed if they don’t even understand what the words mean. Not to speak up is to condone the use of the hateful term. To me, this is not a matter of mere semantics, or political correctness, but goes to the core of one’s character. I don’t expect to change anyone but I will still speak.

I have purposely not used the term “the r-word” as that does not make the term any less offensive. I have also purposely not included a photograph lest it become an object of ridicule by those who disagree with me.

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Quote of the Moment:

“The world doesn't make sense, so why should I paint pictures that do?”
by Pablo Picasso